Monday 29 July 2013

How to Make Money on Fiverr eBook Coming Soon

I have an exciting announcement. I’ve been creating an eBook called How to Make Money on Fiverr and, all plans going as they should, it will be released soon.

I had a search online a few months ago for the keyword phrase, which is also the title of my book, and honestly couldn’t find a lot. There were a few Warrior Special Offers, which most of them seemed a little scammy to me, and the odd free article online that didn’t give much information.

I decided it was time to release an eBook that genuinely stated how you could start making money on the website from my own experience. As a Top Rated Seller and after running this blog for a few months now, I think that it’s time.

No Get Rich Quick Scheme

This book isn’t a way of giving you a get rich quick scheme. I know the idea of how to make a lot of money quickly but I’ve not put it into practise. I also don’t recommend many of them because of the change in Fiverr’s direction and many gigs being denied and deleted.

Instead, my book will focus on the tried and tested methods to become success. It will include things like choosing the good gig ideas and promoting your gigs.

Would You Like to be a Reviewer?

When the eBook is finished, I’m going to be looking for reviewers. If you would like to review my How to Make Money on Fiverr eBook then please contact me on My username is aingham69.

I’m only looking for two or three reviewers who will be able to spot mistakes and let me know if I missed anything in the book. As a reviewer, I will also want you to promote my book since you’re getting it for free – just a tweet and a post on your blog or something similar. We can discuss that when you contact me.

Watch out for my eBook How to Make Money on Fiverr. Once it’s released it will be available through Fiverr exclusively at the rate of…you guessed it, $5.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Tips for Using the Fiverr Forum: A Place for Help

The Fiverr forum opened a few months ago and quickly became a place for people to ask questions, get together with other Fiverr members and share their experiences. There have been times that it’s led to arguments and differing opinions and also spam but it is also a great place for help.

The trick is to knowing how to use it for help. The Fiverr forum isn’t the place to ask questions that only customer support can answer. It’s a place to learn tips from other Fiverr sellers and find out more about being a great Fiverr buy.

Here are my tips on using the Fiverr forum for help.

Use the Search Function at the Top!

There are chances that your question has been asked by other users. Some of the more common ones are “why have I lost my levels?” and “where is my delivery?”

Before you create your own topic, use the search function to see if others have asked the same or something similar. Look through the replies of the different threads and see if they help clear up your concerns. If not and it’s on the topic of that thread, revive it by asking your own question within there.

If you can’t find a thread with a similar question to help you, then start a new thread.

Asking the same question over and over again becomes tiresome for the people answering the questions. It can lead to threads being locked or deleted by members of staff and you will get warnings about your participation in the forums.

One of my pet hates is people asking about the Fiverr commission. They complain that 20% is too much and constantly ask why it’s that high. There are plenty of threads about it and people reply with the same answer over and over again! The search function isn’t difficult so please use it!

Check Out the Different Tips

There are sections for Fiverr sellers and buyers. In these sections, there are all sorts of tips. The sellers will have tips from moderators and other sellers about how to promote a gig and increase the amount of sales being gained. The section for Fiverr buyers is about helping buyers learn how to work with sellers, what cancellations and negative ratings really do and how to make sure you get exactly what the gig description states.

Look through the different tips. You may find that you get all the answers you need to your questions and more. You don’t have to look at them all and read all the comments in one sitting. Allocate time on a specific area.

Put Your Thread in the Right Place

There are different sections in the Fiverr forum and each have different uses. For example, the Ranting Plot is for rants about anything to do with the website, buyers on the website and even sellers and the staff. However, you cannot name and shame! That’s against the rules. The Fiverr Gigs section is for promoting your own gigs and encouraging people to purchase them.

When you create a thread, think about the section. This helps to get your questions answered quickly and will avoid Fiverr users getting bored or annoyed.  For example, people don’t want to see your gig being promoted in every single section except the right one –this is spam.

Don’t Spam with Your Gigs!

The forum has quickly become a place for people to start promoting their gigs. This is fine within that section but don’t go spamming others with your gigs. It’s rude and it will not get you any sales. In fact, it will get you banned from the Fiverr forums!

Similarly, avoid the whole “collect mine and I’ll collect yours” nonsense. This has become extremely boring for people and hasn’t proven a boost in sales at all. If you like someone’s gig then collect it by all means and even share a post within the forums about why you rate that person so much. Don’t collect just for the sake of it.

Ask People for Help and Advice

If you have an issue, the Fiverr forum is the perfect place to go and ask for help or advice. This is the chance to find out more about the website if you’re a new member and the type of things that you can do. It’s also a great place to find out more if you’re worried about a message you have received or would like to know more about something that has happened with a buyer.

Fiverr buyers and sellers offer their advice through the forums. They can help with simple things like time management or how to handle lots of multiple gigs. They can also offer tips on being a buyer and the best way to communicate with a seller to find out whether they can do something that you need.

The Fiverr forum is a great place to go and socialise with other Fiverr members. It’s also a helpful place for all types of questions and problems. Take a look through but be courteous to other members. Check if something’s been asked in the past before you create your own thread.

Monday 15 July 2013

I'm a Top Rated Seller!

Woohoo! I was informed yesterday that my account has been promoted to Top Rated Seller status.

You may remember a few weeks ago that I said I was happy being at Level 2. Well, I was but then I thought "why not be the best that I can be?" I asked for my account to be considered for Top Rated Seller status.

I Didn't Get It Right Away

For those of you who think anyone can become TRS, that isn't the case. When I asked, I was originally turned down. My sales were part of the reason although I was told that there was nothing I needed to do -- it was also a matter of timing.

Fiverr Customer Support did help me out a little by boosting my gig placement in the searches and it definitely increased my sales. I also kept promoting and sharing my blogs through various methods.

It has all paid off and I was promoted yesterday. I honestly thought it would take me a little longer.

Now to Keep Top Rated Seller Status

Now, I need to work on keeping my Top Rated Seller status. My hard work doesn't stop here and there are plenty of people who have been demoted for various reasons.

I need to work very hard to keep my number of cancellations to a minimum. At the moment I'm on 5%, which is actually pretty good to say I have over 1,000 orders completed since I joined two years ago and I took time off for maternity.

I also need to keep offering the best service possible. I try very hard to help customers and make sure the order is high in quality. It doesn't always work -- just recently I received a simple thumbs down (although I'm trying to find out why the buyer was unhappy). I'm not fighting it; I've left a thumbs up with a message to detail what I offered in more detail. If I'm honest, I don't think the Fiverr buyer was ever going to be happy with the work but I made it clear that I wouldn't do more than one revision without an extra gig purchase.

Do you need help with your gigs or with some writing? I offer a range of gigs and I'm happy to help you. Please check out my profile and see if any of them help. If not, contact me and I'll see what I can do. I don't have gigs to cover exactly everything I offer yet but I'm building my offerings as I go.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Is 20% Fiverr Commission Too Much

If you’ve sold anything on Fiverr, you will know about the Fiverr commission. If you’re not yet a seller, I encourage you to read the Terms of Service to find out more about it.

The Fiverr commission is a whopping 20%, which seems like a lot at first; until you remember that gigs sell for $5! That 20% is just $1 for Fiverr.

Many people complain about the commission being so high. My first instinct is to tell them that they knew this – or had the chance to know this – before they signed up for the site. But it’s important to consider why there is this 20% Fiverr commission.

Fiverr Is One of the Biggest Sites

Fiverr is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, micro-jobs website. There are now millions of people buying and selling things through Fiverr on a daily basis. For an idea, within the first 10 days of July, I have made around $430 and there is still much more time for orders to come through.

The ability to have such a large customer base is worth that commission. It helps to increase the chance of sales and make a living. There are many top rated sellers using Fiverr as their sole source of income.

Increase in Web Traffic

Starting your own business takes time. You need to build your reputation, do a lot of marketing and generally help to increase traffic to your website. This isn’t the case with Fiverr – much of the hard work is done for you.

Fiverr gigs show up on the Google search engine and Fiverr has a high page rank. It offers tools for marketing so you don’t need to learn them yourself and you can even hire a Fiverr seller to help  you out. Building your reputation takes less time so it’s worth paying the 20% Fiverr commission for that.

The Platform Is Quick and Easy to Use

There is nothing worse than trying to send large files over an outdated platform. The Fiverr platform is quick and easy to use – and there is Customer Support on hand should you run into any problems.

The new version does have some bugs but that doesn’t mean the support isn’t still there. Messaging people and delivering work is still just as simple; with a click of a button. The site is also secure for sending documents and using your PayPal for receiving the money you earn.

The Money Is Paid Upfront

There are a lot of scams online, especially people not paying for the work they’ve had done. Fiverr tries to cut that out by getting the buyer to pay upfront. This money is then put on hold until the seller completes the gig. Once it is marked complete, the money is transferred into the seller’s account.

There are still some problems getting paid. The Fiverr buyer may not like the work and reject it or may choose to cancel through PayPal (even though the Terms of Service state not to do that). However, there is more protection than doing it alone.

When you consider what Fiverr does, the 20% Fiverr commission doesn’t seem as bad. Remember to look at it as a figure too – that’s $1 out of your $5, which is very little for Fiverr!

Thursday 4 July 2013

Tips for Marketing Yourself on

I recently requested for my gigs to be considered for Top Rated Seller status. I was turned down and it seems like it is partially due to not enough sales.

I don’t mind that – it’s something that I can try and work on and I did get a bit of a boost by my “I will write 400 words for $5” did being placed on the front page of my category to entice more people to buy.

But, it doesn’t stop there. I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about not getting many orders recently.

It’s really important to market yourself on But how do you do that? Here are my tips for marketing yourself on and increase your sales.

Optimise Your Fiverr Gigs

The first thing to do is make sure your Fiverr gigs are fully optimised. Use the keywords that people will use when looking for your type of gig. For example, my would be article writing, blogging, SEO marketing etc.

This isn’t just for the website but for search engines. Fiverr gigs show up on Google searches to increase your reach and you want to be at the top of the results to entice people to buy.

Promote Them on Social Media

Social media marketing is very effective when used properly. Create a Facebook page, a Twitter account, Google+ and Pinterest to show off your gigs and even include samples.

You need to keep sharing your gigs and promote yourself to give people a reason to buy. You’ll be surprised by the amount of people that actually come through this method.

Watch out when you do promote on social media. Remember that you cannot contact or accept payments outside of the Fiverr system. It’s best to have a page specifically for your Fiverr gigs and avoid promoting on your personal profile where only your friends will see it – they’re not likely to buy your gigs!

Set Up a Fiverr Blog

I love writing and I love my Fiverr gigs. My biggest tip for marketing yourself on is to set up your own blog. It doesn’t matter if you’re not really a writer or if you’re new to Fiverr, there’s so much that you can do!

If you’ve been on the site for a while (I’ve been there for two years), you can offer tips and advice to people looking to sell on Fiverr. If you’re new and you’ve bought gigs in the past, write reviews about the seller’s work. This gives you the chance to go in more detail and show off the work afterwards, either through a link or an image in your gig.

You could also opt for an interview with a Fiverr seller or buyer to get their tips and advice or find out what they love about

Marketing yourself on Fiverr is more than just giving your link out. You need to show off your talents and give people a reason to trust you and build a relationship with you.

Get out there and market your Fiverr gigs. That’s the best way of getting sales. There are many ideas around and the Fiverr Forum offers many ideas. Be proactive instead of complaining about not getting sales.