Tuesday 24 September 2013

Why You Shouldn’t Share Your Exact Fiverr Income

Okay, so I sort of broke this rule but I only gave you a glimpse at what I’ve earned so far. At no point did I let you know how much I had in the Fiverr bank this month—or what was left available for withdrawal.

It’s really important NOT TO SHARE your exact Fiverr income.

But why, especially when you want to make it clear that it’s not a scam?

Opening Yourself Up to Hackers

When you share your exact Fiverr income, you’re telling people how much you have available for withdrawal—or how much will be there within 14 days. It opens you up to being hacked.

People are always looking for easy ways to get their hands on money and one of those is to hack into accounts where sellers make money and then have to wait to withdraw it; or choose to wait until it reaches a certain amount each time.

It’s not just on Fiverr either. You need to watch out for this anywhere.

By sharing your username and exact Fiverr income, you’re telling people:”look at me, look at how much I make”. Others don’t want to do the hard work that you’ve put in so they’ll get your money instead.

But How Do You Prove Fiverr Isn’t a Scam

Like me, you may have something that you want to sell. You may want to promote an eBook or a subscription service to help people make more money on Fiverr.

One affiliate marketing trick is to share exact income to show people the opportunity is legitimate. How do you do that with Fiverr if you can’t share your exact Fiverr income?

Well, no affiliate marketer actually shares their full income. They’ll show you how much they’ve made in the past but chances are that money isn’t sitting in their PayPal account or whatever account they showed anymore. That’s the trick to use with Fiverr. Don’t share the money that you have coming in from withdrawals. Don’t show the money you’ve made this month.

Show the amount that you’ve made since becoming a Fiverr seller. This is a general amount. I did show how much I’ve withdrawn but how much have I spent on gigs to help my business? That you will never know!

Be careful online. There are a lot of unscrupulous people looking to steal your money. If you share your exact Fiverr income, chances are you’ll find your account hacked. Check out the Fiverr Forums for the amount of people who have been hacked in the past…it really does happen. Do you want to lose hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars?

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Using Social Media to Promote Fiverr Gigs

Whether you’ve just created your gigs or you’ve been on Fiverr for some time, people are not just going to find and buy your gigs. You need to promote.

Social media is one of the best ways that many have found to promote Fiverr gigs. It’s easy, quick and reaches the masses. However, you do need to stick to a few rules.

There are many different options for social media to promote Fiverr gigs, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr. Here are some tips to help you reach the masses and get people to buy.

Use Your Photo for Pinterest Effectively

Pinterest is great for those who have artistic or visually appealing gigs. It doesn’t work so well for writing or review gigs but is excellent for recipes, graphic designers and website template makers; among many more.

It’s best to use a unique photo that you’ve taken yourself. If you make crafts, take one of the finished product to show people what you do. If you draw pictures, take a photo of one you’ve done.

Make your pictures and photos visually appealing too. You can’t just rely on the product. Draw those on Pinterest in. Make them want to check out your gig, try you out and re-pin your great invention.

Have Introductions and Descriptions

You can’t just post your link on Twitter and expect people to click it. When you use social media to promote Fiverr gigs, you need to give people a reason to click.

Include a snappy introduction or clear description. It doesn’t matter if you’re using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ or any of the others. A description is a good start to get people to click your link. It tells them what you offer so they can make the decision as to whether they want to buy it.

When you celebrate your successes on Fiverr, make sure you include that on your social media profiles too. Definitely do this on Twitter and include the Fiverr twitter profile to increase the chance of your tweet being retweeted.

Set Up Profiles Specifically to Promote Fiverr Gigs

Why not have profiles specifically for your Fiverr account? You can have as many social media accounts as you’d like and you can easily keep your Fiverr work separate from your personal or other work.

It’s really important to set up separate profiles on social media to promote Fiverr gigs when you would only use your personal page. It’s not worth getting your personal and Fiverr life mixed up. You can also use your specific profiles to pull more attention to your Fiverr page, instead of all over the place with your funny pictures, recommendations for other stores etc.

Use the same username for all the sites. It’s great if this is linked to the type of gigs you offer but it doesn’t need to be. Make it stand out and unique so people remember who you are.

Considering Sponsored Posts?

You may want to put some money into your Fiverr gig promotion. Consider creating accounts where you can pay for people to send out your gig. You can create the tweet or Facebook post or let the person sending it create their own.

The benefit of this is that you can get a lot of promotion. Some accounts won’t make you pay out unless you get certain sales from those tweets so you could get a lot of free looks, the tweets are then re-tweeted and you increase your chance of sales.

This does depend on the amount of money you have though. It is an investment and not one that is guaranteed to pay off.

Do you have any other ideas to use social media to promote Fiverr gigs? There are a lot of social media platforms and I’m on all of them. I appreciate others with their inputs to boost their Fiverr gig sales through social media.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

10 Great Fiverr Gig Ideas to Make Money on Fiverr

Are you looking for gig ideas to make money on Fiverr?

While it’s important to have fun, you always want to make a profit right. My eBook How to Make Money on Fiverr offers a lot of tips about creating great Fiverr gigs. What it doesn’t cover is all the great Fiverr gig ideas.

Here are just 10 that will help you get your Fiverr business started.

1.       Offer review gigs: You need to watch out for the Terms of Service as you can’t infringe on 3rd party rights. I have a review gig and the best way around it is to make it clear that you offer an HONEST review. It’s also best to just send the review to the Fiverr buyer to post.

2.       Proofreading: If you have good English (or your own language) skills, why not offer to proofread for others? This is hard to get into at the moment since there are so many—and it’s difficult to prove that you’re good. Take some time to market your skills. Once you get the first sale, it will be much easier to gain more.

3.       Hand out flyers in your own area: People love to use Fiverr for cheap marketing, so offer what they want. One of the best selling Fiverr gig ideas is handing out flyers in your local area. Make it clear how many you will print off and hand out and take photos to show that you’ve completed it.

4.       Do something seasonal: Think of Fiverr gigs for the season. Halloween is coming up so you could do something for that. Christmas gigs, Easter offerings and other great ideas are fun. They’re a novelty but you will find that they don’t do well other times of the year.

5.       Do some craft work to sell: Selling your own craft work is popular on Fiverr. Maybe you make your own Christmas stockings or you may create your own jewellery. Make sure it is worth your time and effort for the $5!

6.       Create a video for others: Video gigs are extremely popular on Fiverr—with many of the Top Rated Sellers offering these. People may want testimonials or advertisements. Make it clear what you can and cannot do for the Fiverr buyers.

7.       Write a blog post: Do what I do and offer to write a blog post. Consider how fast you type and how many words you can offer to make the $5 worthwhile. Remember to consider research and proofing within that.

8.       Create mini-tutorials: People struggle to do the easiest (well, what seems like you as easy)things. It could be to use Microsoft Excel or how to sync their phone and computer together. Create mini-tutorials for them.

9.       Create a plan or eBook: Create a product once and then sell it. You could create a diet plan that works for you or write an eBook in a subject that you’re an expert in. These are great for making money since the product is created beforehand. You just need to upload and sell!

10.   Sing a Song: If you have a good voice, offer to sing a song. It could be happy birthday or something that the buyer asks for.

Those are just 10 Fiverr gig ideas to make money on Fiverr. There are many many more! Get your brain into gear and start thinking about what you can sell!

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Would You Like to Guest Post on My Fiverr Blog?

Do you love to write about Fiverr? Do you have tips for Fiverr sellers or Fiverr buyers that you would like to share?

I’m looking for guest posters on this blog and open the invitation to you!

There’s no need to be excellent at English (I will do some editing to make sure the post is ready to go) but please make sure your posts are coherent and fit with this website.

What could your guest posts be about?

·         Your time as a Fiverr seller and tips for others
·         Tips for Fiverr buyers looking to get gigs and leave feedback
·         A review of a service you’ve bought on Fiverr
·         Tips for choosing the perfect gig

Take a look through my Fiverr blog and see the type of posts I already have. You don’t need to match my voice but need to find something that I haven’t yet covered. If you want to cover the same topic then have something unique to say about it.

Compensation for Guest Posting

Unfortunately I can’t offer financial compensation for guest posting on my Fiverr blog.

You will get a link back to your Fiverr profile though so will improve your chance of getting orders.

How to Guest Post

Send me an email to admin@alexandria-ingham.com with your pitch. Let me know your headline and some of the stuff that you cover in your post.


From there, I will send you one of three answers: either a yes, a request for some modifications or more detail or a no (with reasons).

Good luck and I look forward to reading your pitches.