Friday 4 April 2014

The Green or the Red: Which Fiverr Color Do You Prefer?

Those who are on the Fiverr forums lately will notice a topic keeps coming up: what’s with the red color scheme?

It seems like Fiverr is trailing something, but only to a limited number of people. Instead of the green banners and buttons, there are redish orange ones. And I’ve got to say they look ugly! Green is bad enough to use on a computer, but red is even worse!

The problem with opting for red is the danger signal. The red is used on the system to note when an order is in a dispute, or when you’re potentially breaking a rule. For example, try typing “money” or “paypal” into a message and a red box appears with a note that you cannot send money off site. It’s a slight flaw, since there are many reasons to mention words like the two mentioned. But at least the red sends the warning, so you can work out how to rephrase your wording.

With the red there by default, the warning messages are missed. I can see a lot more people getting caught out and finding their accounts being flagged.

Another issue is that not everything changes. There are some things that are still green, so you end up with a clash of colors. It makes the site look unprofessional, and still in a beta stage.

I also hate the lack of communication. People are going to the Twitter feed to find out what the problem is, and wasting Customer Supports time. It would have been much better to put up a note saying that experiments were happening. That would also have stopped the panic of people thinking they had done something wrong.

While a change of color scheme could be fun, the whole way it was carried out and the idea of  using red were just wrong!

Think about it please, Fiverr!

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