Wednesday 29 May 2013

Why You Need a Video on Your Fiverr Gigs

I’m guilty of not having this, even though I really should. It’s not that hard to add a video to Fiverr gigs and I do have them created, I just need the software to convert the file types to add the videos to the different gigs.

But why are videos so important? Do you really need a video to succeed?

I’m not sure about whether you need one to really succeed at being a Fiverr seller – I do alright and Fiverr is a great addition to my regular income – but I think you need one to do extremely well and become a Top Rated Seller.

Explain Things Easier to Your Fiverr Buyers

Fiverr buyers don’t read the gig descriptions. I’ve had some that don’t even read the title of my Fiverr gigs!

The Fiverr system doesn’t really help with this. Gig descriptions can’t be formatted into paragraphs so it is one block of text. It’s not appealing and definitely not easy to read. I have to use * and other characters to help space out text.

The video is an easier way to explain things to the buyer. You can add what you will and won’t do and anything about your extras, easily and quickly. You only have 30 seconds but people are more willing to watch and listen than bother with reading something.

Give Something for Buyers to Watch

Really, even if the text could be spaced out easily, people prefer to watch videos than read on the computer. By adding a video to your Fiverr gig, you’re giving people something to watch.

Play to the things that they prefer and you will increase the chance of getting sales. Videos allow people to sit back and listen to what you have to say. I can also show how passionate you are about your work, increasing your sales.

Helps with Search Results

Google likes videos. You can improve your search results by adding a video to your Fiverr gigs. There are a lot more people than you think coming in from searches.

You only have 30 seconds but you can add a longer video to YouTube. This is great. You will be able to link to the video in your profile so that people get the full idea of what you are willing to offer for $5 and what you will do for the extras.

Show Off Your Samples

There’s a problem with Fiverr gigs – showing samples. For videos and images, there is the Live Portfolio option but that doesn’t work so well for other types of gigs.

You can take screenshots of your work and add them to your Fiverr video to show off your skills. This creates a simple portfolio that shows off a range of skills, depending on your style of Fiverr gig, so that people want to spend their money.

They don’t feel like they’re risking as much.

So, get yourself out there and create a video. Don’t have the skills or don’t want to be on camera? There are options to create a video for your Fiverr gig through some of the Fiverr sellers. Check them out and start selling more!

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